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Boost Your Property Game: Why Property Developers Should Plan For Home Staging

In the crazy world of property development, being successful means sweating the small stuff right from the outset. Why? Because you’re chasing that ROI to keep your investors grinning, staying on schedule with your next big project, and wanting to fill your pockets with maximum profit. Let’s be honest – not every plot is charming from the outset. Some are like the lingering guests at the property party, hanging around on the market longer than you’d like. That’s why your financial super senses need to kick in, and you need plan for home staging in advance. Now, why’s that? Staging is like waving a magic wand that turns a lifeless shell into a desirable, high value home. And guess what? Around 75% of buyers out there struggle to see the potential in an empty space. They need you to paint the picture, sell the lifestyle, not just the four walls and a roof. So, if you want to shift those slow moving plots, get offers faster, and see their market value, it’s time to bring in the staging professionals. Don’t leave your vacant plots gathering dust – give them some love and see the buyers move in!

Vision to WOW Factor

A whopping 90% of buyers are scouring the web for their next dream home. Virtual imagery, a lifesaver when you’re in that “building the dream” phase, selling off-plan. But here’s the twist – what’s the game plan when those remaining beautiful finished plots are becoming hard to sell? Well, it’s time to consider the magic of home staging. It’s all about turning those challenges into opportunities and giving your buyers something to fall in love with when they step inside. You have only 7 seconds to create an impression – make it a WOW one!

Don’t Be Floored!

I believe you can’t home stage without flooring! I know this might be ruffle some feathers, as many developers like to keep flooring as an upsell option – but budgeting for flooring is a game changer and means you can create a home by staging the space. Without it – it just doesn’t work! You can still upsell flooring as an add on and replace it to your buyers taste, or sell as part of the package.

Lighten Up

Lighting is the secret to creating that perfect atmosphere. Bright, well-lit spaces instantly make you feel like you’ve arrived home. So go all-in on some high quality lighting fixtures. They’re your secret weapon to transforming a cold space into a cosy haven. And when those autumn and winter months draw in, and the days get darker, trust me – lighting will be your WOW factor, flooding the space with warmth and making it shine.

Smart Moves with a Home Staging Budget

Having a solid staging budget locked in is pure genius. It’s your secret weapon to tackle any curveballs those challenging plots might throw your way. Think of it as your superhero – ready to swoop in when you need it most. As a ballpark figure, setting aside between 0.5% to 1% of your property’s value is a smart starting point. At best, you’ll pocket that extra cash, but if those tricky plots become hard to sell, you’ve got a budget ready to swoop in and save the day when you need it.

Snap Up Stunning Shots

Ensure your home staging professional includes photography. Or, choose an agent who’s up for a photo re-do. Trust me, after putting in the effort for home staging, it’s a no-brainer to spruce up those photos and revamp your listing. Why? It’s all about setting the stage for love at first sight! Killer photos are like cupid’s arrows, drawing in those online buyers and turning casual clickers into eager property buyers. It’s the secret to make your listing stand out and steal those hearts.

Not Just Pillow Fluffing

It’s far more than that! It’s a genius, strategic marketing move that should never be underestimated. In a nutshell, home staging takes those empty spaces and turns them into irresistible homes that ignite buyers’ dreams. It’s like giving them a sneak peek into their future, where they can picture themselves living there. It’s all about turning those visions into solid offers!


  1. Turn your challenging plots into opportunities and give your buyers something to fall in love with.
  2. Budget for flooring.
  3. Flood your space with lighting to create the WOW factor.
  4. Budget 0.5% – 1.5% of your property value for Home Staging.
  5. Photography is the secret to attracting casual clickers into eager property buyers.
  6. Home Staging should not be underestimated, it’s a solid marketing tool that turns empty spaces into buyer’s dreams!